For this project, I chose to do different styles of sunglasses. The first thing I did was look up the different styles and chose which color composition I can use for each of them. Then once I had the ones I wanted to do, I drew them out on a sheet a paper. I drew them again on bristol paper that I cut into 6, 5"x5" piece. Once I did that, I collected the supplies I needed, which only was the paints (Primary, Secondary, and the different shades of blue that I wanted. After that I started painting which made it a little easier having them already drawn on.
From this project I learned that I am not the best painter. Also I learned that it having everything mapped out makes things easier and go by faster. Other things I learned are what colors go well with each other and patients. I definitely learned a little patients when I had to wait for the paint to dry before I could put the other colors on.
All in all I kind of liked this project. My favorite one is the bottom left sunglasses with the yellow and yellow-green colors. all the other ones I would definitely like to change if time permitted, especially the bottom right one. They where these sunglasses that I found made of wood, and it looked better when I drew it.